
  1. This Regulation defines the general conditions, rules, and the method of sale conducted by AGRO-RAMI Raniś i wspólnicy sp. z o.o. based in Kościelna Wieś, through the online store (hereinafter referred to as the "Online Store"), and specifies the rules and conditions for the provision of free-of-charge services by AGRO-RAMI Raniś i wspólnicy sp. z o.o. based in Kościelna Wieś electronically.
§ 1 Definitions
  1. Business days - means weekdays from Monday to Friday excluding statutory holidays.
  2. Delivery - means the actual act of delivering the Goods specified in the order to the Customer by the Seller, through the Carrier.
  3. Carrier - means the entity with which the Seller cooperates in the delivery of Goods:
  a) courier company;
  b) Seller's own transport.
  4. Password - means a sequence of alphanumeric or other characters chosen by the Customer after the first login to the Online Store, used to secure access to the Customer's Account in the Online Store.
  5. Customer - means an entity for which, in accordance with the Regulations and legal regulations, electronic services may be provided or with which a Sales Agreement may be concluded, excluding consumers, i.e. natural persons performing a legal transaction with an entrepreneur not directly related to its business or professional activity.
  6. Customer Account - means an individual panel for each Customer, activated on his behalf by the Seller, after the Customer Registration and conclusion of the agreement for the provision of the Customer Account Maintenance service.
  7. Entrepreneur - means a natural person, legal person, or organizational unit not being a legal person, which the law grants legal capacity, conducting business or professional activity on its own behalf and performing a legal transaction directly related to its business or professional activity.
  8. Entrepreneur with Consumer Rights - means a natural person concluding a Sales Agreement directly related to his business activity, when it results from the content of the Sales Agreement that it does not have a professional character for this Entrepreneur, resulting in particular from the subject of his business activity, made available on the basis of the provisions on the Central Register and Information on Economic Activity.
  9. Regulations - means these regulations.
  10. Registration - means a factual act performed in a manner specified in the Regulations, required for the Customer to use all functionalities of the Online Store.
  11. Seller - means AGRO-RAMI Raniś i wspólnicy sp. z o.o. based in Kościelna Wieś (62-811), ul. Poznańska 19, VAT: 6080074994, REGON: 300839532, entered in the entrepreneurs register kept by the District Court Poznań - Nowe Miasto i Wilda in Poznań, IX Economic Department of the National Court Register under the KRS number 0001024623, with a share capital of PLN 500,000; e-mail:, also being the owner of the Online Store.
BDO Number - 000076524.
  12. Online Store Website - means the websites under which the Seller operates the Online Store, operating in the domain
  13. Goods - means a product presented by the Seller through the Online Store Website, which may be the subject of a Sales Agreement.
  14. Durability - the ability of the Goods to maintain their function and properties during ordinary use.
  15. Permanent medium - means a material or tool enabling the Customer or Seller to store information addressed personally to him, in a way that allows access to information in the future for a period appropriate to the purposes for which this information is intended, and which allows the reproduction of stored information in an unchanged form.
  16. Sales Agreement - means a distance sales agreement concluded on the terms specified in the Regulations, between the Customer and the Seller.
§ 2 General provisions and use of the Online Store
  1. All rights to the Online Store, including intellectual property rights, rights to the name, its domain, the Online Store's website, as well as to patterns, forms posted on the Online Store's website (excluding logos and some photos presented on the Online Store's website, the copyright to which belongs to third parties) belong to the Seller, and their use may only occur in a manner specified and consistent with the Regulations and with the Seller's written consent.
  2. The Seller shall make every effort to ensure that the use of the Online Store is possible for Internet users using all popular web browsers, operating systems, types of devices, and types of internet connections. The minimum technical requirements enabling the use of the Online Store's website include a web browser version of at least Microsoft Edge 109 or Internet Explorer 11 or Chrome 110 or FireFox 109 or Opera 95 or Safari 11 or later, with JavaScript support enabled, accepting "cookies" files, and an internet connection with a minimum bandwidth of 256 kbit/s. The Online Store's website is optimized for a minimum screen resolution of 1024x768 pixels.
  3. The Seller uses the "cookies" mechanism, which, when Customers use the Online Store's website, is stored by the Seller's server on the Customer's end device's hard drive. The use of "cookies" is intended to ensure the proper functioning of the Online Store's website on Customers' end devices. This mechanism does not destroy the Customer's end device or make configuration changes to the Customer's end devices or the software installed on those devices. Each Customer can disable the "cookies" mechanism in their web browser. However, the Seller points out that disabling "cookies" may make it difficult or impossible to use the Online Store's website.
  4. In order to place an order in the Online Store via the Online Store's website and to use services provided electronically via the Online Store's website, it is necessary for the Customer to have an active email account.
  5. It is prohibited for the Customer to provide content of an unlawful nature and to use the Online Store, the Online Store's website, or free services provided by the Seller in a manner contrary to law, good practices, or infringing the personal rights of third parties.
  6. The Seller declares that the public nature of the Internet and the use of services provided electronically may involve the risk of acquiring and modifying Customer data by unauthorized persons, so Customers should use appropriate technical measures to minimize the above-mentioned risks. In particular, they should use antivirus programs and identity protection for internet users. The Seller never asks the Customer to provide their Password in any form.
  7. It is not permissible to use the resources and functions of the Online Store for activities that would infringe the Seller's interests, i.e., advertising activities of another entrepreneur or product; activities consisting of posting content unrelated to the Seller's activity; activities consisting of posting untrue or misleading content.
§ 3 Registration
  1. In order to create a Customer Account, the Customer is obliged to register free of charge.
  2. Registration is necessary to place an order in the Online Store.
  3. To register, the Customer completes and sends to the Seller the registration form made available by the Seller on the Online Store's website, by selecting the appropriate function in the registration form. After receiving the registration form, the Seller verifies the Customer's application and within 10 business days informs the Customer by electronic means, to the email address provided in the registration form, about the possible acceptance of the application. The lack of information within 10 business days means rejection of the application. If the Seller accepts the Customer's application, the Seller creates a Customer Account and sends to the Customer at the email address provided in the registration form confirmation of the conclusion of the agreement for the provision of the service of Managing the Customer Account electronically, together with the data necessary for the first login. After the first login to the Customer Account, the Customer should change the Password.
  4. While completing the registration form, the Customer has the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the Regulations and other documents specifying the rules for using the Online Store, accepting their content by marking the appropriate fields in the registration form.
  5. During the Registration, the Customer may voluntarily consent to the processing of their personal data for marketing purposes by selecting the appropriate field in the registration form. In such a case, the Seller clearly informs about the purpose of collecting the Customer's personal data, as well as about the known or expected recipients of this data by the Seller.
  6. The Customer's consent to the processing of their personal data for marketing purposes does not condition the possibility of concluding an agreement with the Seller for the provision of the service of Managing the Customer Account electronically. The consent may be withdrawn at any time by submitting a relevant statement to the Seller. The statement can be, for example, sent to the Seller's address via email.
§ 4 Orders
  1. Information contained on the Online Store's website does not constitute an offer by the Seller within the meaning of the Civil Code, but only an invitation to Customers to submit offers to conclude a Sales Agreement.
  2. The Customer may place orders in the Online Store via the Online Store's website 7 days a week, 24 hours a day.
  3. The Customer placing an order via the Online Store's website compiles the order by selecting the Goods they are interested in. Adding Goods to the order is done by selecting the "ADD TO CART" command under the given Goods presented on the Online Store's website. After completing the entire order and indicating the Delivery method in the "CART," the Customer places the order by sending the order form to the Seller by selecting the "Place Order" button on the Online Store's website.
  4. Placing an order constitutes the submission by the Customer to the Seller of an offer to conclude a Sales Agreement for the Goods subject to the order.
  5. After placing the order, the Seller sends confirmation of its submission to the email address provided by the Customer.
  6. Subsequently, after confirming the order, the Seller sends to the email address provided by the Customer information about accepting the order for execution. Information about accepting the order for execution is the Seller's statement of acceptance of the offer referred to in § 4 para. 4 above, and from the moment it is received by the Customer, the Sales Agreement is concluded.
  7. When making payments for purchased Goods, listed in Annex No. 15 to the Act of March 11, 2004, on the tax on goods and services (consolidated text Dz.U. 2018 item 2174 as amended), for which payments are documented by an invoice, in which the total amount due exceeds PLN 15,000 gross or the equivalent of this amount - taxpayers are obliged to apply the split payment mechanism, in accordance with the applicable regulations, if it applies to the Customer placing the order.
The invoice issued by the Seller, as mentioned above, should contain the words: "split payment mechanism". The parties to such a transaction are obliged to have a settlement account, as referred to in art. 49 para. 1 point 1 of the Act of August 29, 1997, Banking Law, or a personal account in a cooperative savings and credit union opened in connection with business activity conducted in Polish currency.
§ 5 Payments
  1. Prices on the Online Store's website posted for a given Good constitute gross and net prices and do not include information regarding Delivery costs and all other costs that the Customer will be obliged to bear in connection with the Sales Agreement, about which the Customer will be informed when choosing the Delivery method and placing the order.
  2. The following payment methods for ordered Goods may be made available to the Customer (information is provided each time within the Customer Account):
  a) bank transfer to the Seller's bank account (in this case, the execution of the order will begin after the Seller sends confirmation of accepting the order to the Customer and after the funds are credited to the Seller's bank account);
  b) payment in cash upon personal pickup - payment at the Seller's office (in this case, the order will be processed immediately after the Seller sends the Customer a confirmation of order acceptance, and the Goods will be issued at the Seller's office);
  c) bank transfer with deferred payment term available only to Customers with granted trade credit (in this case, the order processing will commence immediately after the Seller sends the Customer a confirmation of order acceptance, and the payment for the Goods must be made by the Customer under conditions separately agreed with the Seller).
All payment terms, including the payment deadline and the amount of trade credit, are available in the Customer Account, which the Customer can access at any time.
  3. The Customer should make the payment for the order in the amount resulting from the concluded Sales Agreement within the deadline agreed with the Seller.
  4. In case the Customer fails to make the payment within the agreed deadline, the Seller sets an additional deadline for the Customer to make the payment and informs the Customer thereof on a Durable Medium. The information about the additional deadline for making the payment also includes information that, in case of the ineffective expiry of this deadline, the Seller will withdraw from the Sales Agreement. In the event of the ineffective expiry of the second deadline for making the payment, the Seller will send the Customer a statement of withdrawal from the agreement pursuant to Article 491 of the Civil Code.
§ 6 Delivery
  1. The Seller provides Delivery worldwide.
  2. The ordered Goods are delivered to the Customer through a Carrier to the address indicated in the order form.
  3. On the day of dispatch of the Goods to the Customer (if the option of personal pickup of the Goods was not chosen), the Customer receives an email confirming the dispatch of the shipment by the Seller.
  4. The Customer is obliged to examine the delivered shipment at the time and in the manner customary for shipments of this type. In the event of finding a shortage or damage to the shipment, the Customer has the right to demand that the Carrier's employee draw up the appropriate protocol.
  5. The Customer has the option of personal pickup of the ordered Goods. Pickup can be made at the Seller's office on Business Days, during the opening hours specified on the Store's Website, after prior arrangement with the Seller regarding the pickup date via email or by phone.
  6. The Seller includes in the shipment subject to Delivery a VAT invoice covering the delivered Goods.
  7. At the Customer's request, the Seller makes available within the Customer Account (in the "Invoice Summary" tab), an invoice covering the delivered Goods, in the form of an electronic file in PDF format. To open the file, the Customer should have free software compatible with the PDF format. The Seller recommends Adobe Acrobat Reader software, which can be downloaded for free at
  8. In the event of the Customer's absence at the address indicated by them when placing the order as the Delivery address, the Carrier's employee will leave a notice or attempt to contact the Customer by phone to agree on a time when the Customer will be present. In case of the return of the ordered Goods to the Internet Store by the Carrier, the Seller will contact the Customer by email or phone, once again agreeing with the Customer on the Delivery date and cost.
§ 7 Warranty for Businesses
  1. The Seller excludes liability for warranty claims against Businesses.
§ 8 Guarantee
  1. Goods sold by the Seller may be covered by a guarantee provided by the manufacturer of the Goods or the distributor.
  2. In the case of Goods covered by a guarantee, information regarding the existence and content of the guarantee is presented each time on the Store's Website.
§ 9 Non-conformity of goods with the contract
Consumer and Business Complaints with Consumer Rights
  1. The Goods are in conformity with the contract if they comply with the following, in particular:
  a) description, type, quantity, quality, completeness, and functionality, and in the case of goods with digital elements - also compatibility, interoperability, and availability of updates;
  b) suitability for a particular purpose, for which it is required by the Consumer or the Consumer Rights Act Entrepreneur, of which the Consumer or the Consumer Rights Act Entrepreneur has notified the Seller no later than at the time of conclusion of the contract and which the Seller has accepted.
  2. In addition, the Goods, to be considered in conformity with the contract, must:
  a) be fit for the purposes for which goods of the same type are normally used, taking into account the provisions of law, technical standards, or good practices;
  b) appear in such quantities and have such characteristics, including Durability and safety, and, with regard to Goods with digital elements - also functionality and compatibility, which are typical for Goods of this kind and which the Consumer or the Consumer Rights Act Entrepreneur can reasonably expect, taking into account the nature of the Goods and the public assurances made by the Seller, its legal predecessors, or persons acting on their behalf, in particular in advertising or on the label, unless the Seller proves that:
  a. he did not know about the public assurance and reasonably, he could not know about it;
  b. before the conclusion of the public contract, the assurance was corrected in accordance with the conditions and form in which the public assurance was made, or in a comparable manner;
  c. the public assurance did not influence the decision of the Consumer or the Consumer Rights Act Entrepreneur to conclude the contract.
  c) be delivered with packaging, accessories, and instructions, the delivery of which the Consumer or the Consumer Rights Act Entrepreneur can reasonably expect;
  d) be of the same quality as the sample or pattern that the Seller provided to the Consumer or the Consumer Rights Act Entrepreneur before the conclusion of the contract, and correspond to the description of such a sample or pattern.
  3. The Seller shall not be liable for lack of conformity of the Goods with the contract in the scope referred to in §9 para. 2, if the Consumer or the Consumer Rights Act Entrepreneur, no later than at the time of conclusion of the contract, has been clearly informed that a specific feature of the Goods deviates from the requirements of conformity with the contract specified in §9 para. 2, and clearly and separately accepted the lack of a specific feature of the Goods.
  4. The Seller shall be liable for lack of conformity of the Goods with the contract resulting from improper installation of the Goods if:
  a) it was carried out by the Seller or at his risk;
  b) improper installation carried out by the Consumer or the Consumer Rights Act Entrepreneur results from errors in the instructions provided by the entrepreneur or a third party.
  5. The Seller shall be liable for lack of conformity of the Goods with the contract existing at the time of its delivery and revealed within two years from that time, unless the period of usability of the Goods, specified by the Seller, its legal predecessors, or persons acting on their behalf, is longer. It is presumed that the lack of conformity of the Goods with the contract, which has been revealed before the expiry of two years from the date of delivery of the goods, existed at the time of its delivery, unless proven otherwise or the presumption cannot be reconciled with the nature of the Goods or the nature of the lack of conformity of the Goods with the contract.
  6. The Seller cannot invoke the expiry of the period for determining the lack of conformity of the Goods with the contract specified in §9 para. 5, if he fraudulently concealed this defect.
  7. If the Goods are not in conformity with the contract, the Consumer or the Consumer Rights Act Entrepreneur may demand its repair or replacement.
  8. The Seller may exchange when the Consumer or the Consumer Rights Act Entrepreneur demands repair, or the Seller may repair when the Consumer or the Consumer Rights Act Entrepreneur demands an exchange if bringing the Goods into conformity with the contract in the manner chosen by the Consumer or the Consumer Rights Act Entrepreneur is impossible or would require excessive costs for the Seller. If repair and exchange are impossible or would require excessive costs for the Seller, he may refuse to bring the goods into conformity with the contract.
  9. When assessing the excessiveness of costs for the Seller, all circumstances of the case shall be taken into account, in particular the significance of the lack of conformity of the Goods with the contract, the value of the Goods in accordance with the contract, and excessive inconveniences for the Consumer or the Consumer Rights Act Entrepreneur resulting from changing the method of bringing the Goods into conformity with the contract.
  10. The Seller shall repair or replace the Goods within a reasonable time from the moment the Seller was informed by the Consumer or the Consumer Rights Act Entrepreneur about the lack of conformity with the contract, and without excessive inconvenience for the Consumer or the Consumer Rights Act Entrepreneur, taking into account the specificity of the Goods and the purpose for which the Consumer or the Consumer Rights Act Entrepreneur purchased it. The costs of repair or replacement, including in particular the costs of postage, transport, labor, and materials, shall be borne by the Seller.
  11. The Consumer or the Consumer Rights Act Entrepreneur shall make the Goods subject to repair or replacement available to the Seller. The Consumer or the Consumer Rights Act Entrepreneur sends the Goods at his own expense.
  12. If the Goods have been installed before the non-conformity of the Goods with the contract becomes apparent, the Consumer or Entrepreneur with rights of the Consumer sends the Goods to the Seller at his own cost .
  13. The Consumer or the Consumer Rights Act Entrepreneur is not obliged to pay for ordinary use of the Goods, which have subsequently been replaced.
  14. If the Goods are not in conformity with the contract, the Consumer or the Consumer Rights Act Entrepreneur may make a statement about reducing the price or withdrawing from the contract when:
  a) The Seller refused to bring the Goods into conformity with the contract in accordance with §9 para. 8 above;
  b) The Seller did not bring the Goods into conformity with the contract in accordance with §9 para. 10 to §9 para. 12 above;
  c) the lack of conformity of the Goods with the contract still exists, although the Seller tried to bring the Goods into conformity with the contract;
  d) the lack of conformity of the Goods with the contract is so significant that it justifies a price reduction or withdrawal from the contract without prior use of the protection measures specified from §9 para. 7 to §9 para. 12 above;
  e) from the statement of the Seller or the circumstances, it clearly follows that he will not bring the Goods into conformity with the contract within a reasonable time or without excessive inconvenience for the Consumer or the Consumer Rights Act Entrepreneur.
  15. The Seller is obliged to respond to the consumer's complaint within 14 days from the date of its receipt.
  16. The Seller returns to the Consumer or the Consumer Rights Act Entrepreneur the amounts due as a result of using the right to reduce the price immediately, no later than within 14 days from the date of receipt of the Consumer's or the Consumer Rights Act Entrepreneur's statement on the reduction of the price.
  17. The Consumer or the Consumer Rights Act Entrepreneur cannot withdraw from the contract if the lack of conformity of the Goods with the contract is insignificant. It is presumed that the lack of conformity of the Goods with the contract is significant.
  18. If the lack of conformity with the agreement concerns only some of the Goods delivered under the agreement, the Consumer or the Entrepreneur with consumer rights may withdraw from the agreement only with respect to those Goods, as well as with respect to other Goods acquired by the Consumer or the Entrepreneur with consumer rights together with Goods not in conformity with the agreement, if it cannot reasonably be expected that the Consumer or the Entrepreneur with consumer rights would agree to retain only Goods in conformity with the agreement.
  19. In the event of withdrawal from the agreement, the Consumer or the Entrepreneur with consumer rights shall immediately return the Goods to the Seller at its own cost. The Seller shall refund the price to the Consumer or the Entrepreneur with consumer rights immediately, no later than within 14 days from the date of receipt of the Goods or proof of their return.
  20. The Seller shall refund the price using the same method of payment as used by the Consumer or the Entrepreneur with consumer rights, unless the Consumer or the Entrepreneur with consumer rights has expressly agreed to another method of refund that does not involve any costs for them.
  21. The Seller does not use out-of-court dispute resolution procedures referred to in the Act of 23 September 2016 on out-of-court resolution of consumer disputes.
§ 10 Withdrawal from the Sales Agreement
  1. The Entrepreneur with consumer rights who has concluded a Sales Agreement may withdraw from it within 14 days without giving any reason.
  2. The period for withdrawing from the Sales Agreement begins from the moment the Goods are taken into possession by the Entrepreneur with consumer rights or by a third party indicated by them other than the carrier.
The Entrepreneur with consumer rights may withdraw from the Sales Agreement by submitting a declaration of withdrawal to the Seller. This declaration may be made, for example, in writing to the Seller's address, i.e., AGRO-RAMI Raniś i wspólnicy sp. z o.o., ul. Poznańska 19 (62-811), Kościelna Wieś, or by electronic mail to the Seller's address, i.e., The declaration can be submitted on a form, the template of which has been provided by the Seller on the Store's Website at: Withdrawal Form. To meet the deadline, it is sufficient to send the declaration before its expiry.
  3. In the event of withdrawal from the Sales Agreement, it is considered void.
  4. If the Entrepreneur with consumer rights has made a declaration of withdrawal from the Sales Agreement before the Seller has accepted their offer, the offer ceases to be binding.
  5. The Seller is obliged to refund all payments made by the Entrepreneur with consumer rights immediately, no later than within 14 days from the date of receipt of the Entrepreneur's declaration of withdrawal from the Sales Agreement, including the cost of Delivery of the Goods to the Entrepreneur with consumer rights. The Seller may withhold the refund of payments received from the Entrepreneur with consumer rights until the Goods are returned or the Entrepreneur with consumer rights provides proof of return of the Goods, depending on which event occurs first.
  6. If the Entrepreneur with consumer rights exercising the right of withdrawal has chosen a method of delivery of the Goods other than the cheapest regular method of delivery offered by the Seller, the Seller is not obliged to refund the Entrepreneur with consumer rights for the additional costs incurred by them.
  7. The Entrepreneur with consumer rights is obliged to return the Goods to the Seller immediately, but no later than within 14 days from the date of withdrawal from the Sales Agreement. To meet the deadline, it is sufficient to send back the Goods to the Seller's address before the expiry of this period.
  8. In the event of withdrawal, the Entrepreneur with consumer rights bears only the direct costs of returning the Goods.
  9. If, due to its nature, the Goods cannot be returned by regular mail, the Seller shall inform the Entrepreneur with consumer rights about the return costs of the item on the Store's Website.
  10. The Entrepreneur with consumer rights is liable for any diminished value of the Goods resulting from using it in a manner exceeding the necessary characteristics, features, and functioning of the Goods.
  11. The Seller shall refund payments using the same method of payment as used by the Entrepreneur with consumer rights, unless the Entrepreneur with consumer rights has expressly agreed to another method of refund that does not involve any costs for them.
  12. The right of withdrawal from the Sales Agreement does not apply to the Entrepreneur with consumer rights with regard to agreements where the Goods are delivered in a sealed package that cannot be returned once opened due to health protection or hygienic reasons if the packaging was opened after delivery.
  13. The right of withdrawal from the Sales Agreement does not apply to the Entrepreneur with consumer rights with regard to an agreement where the subject of the service is goods that, after delivery, due to their nature, are inseparably mixed with other items.
§ 11 Personal Data
  1. The Administrator of Personal Data provided by the Buyer is the Seller.
  2. The Personal Data provided by the Buyer is processed for the purposes of the conclusion and performance of the Agreement, as well as for marketing purposes, if the Buyer consents to it.
  3. The recipients of Personal Data provided by the Buyer may be, depending on the Buyer's choice, the entities entrusted with the delivery of the Goods, entities providing payment services, or other entities providing services to the Seller.
  4. The Buyer has the right to access their Personal Data and correct it.
  5. Providing Personal Data is voluntary, but failure to provide it results in the inability to conclude the Agreement.
  6. The Seller uses cookies, which are small text information stored on the Buyer's end device (e.g., a computer, tablet, smartphone) that can be read by the Seller's IT system.
  7. The Seller indicates that there is a possibility for the Buyer to specify the conditions for storing or accessing cookies using the settings of the software installed on the telecommunications end device used by the Buyer, and also to change these settings.
  8. Detailed information on the possibilities and methods of processing Personal Data, as well as on the use of cookies, is contained in the Privacy Policy, which is available on the Store's Website.
§ 12 Final Provisions
  1. The agreements concluded through the Store are concluded in accordance with Polish law.
  2. Any disputes arising between the Seller and the Buyer who is not a Consumer within the meaning of the Civil Code shall be submitted to the competent court having jurisdiction over the Seller's seat.
  3. Any disputes arising between the Seller and the Consumer within the meaning of the Civil Code shall be settled by a competent court in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Code of Civil Procedure.
  4. The Seller informs the Buyer who is a Consumer about the possibility of using extrajudicial means of dealing with complaints and pursuing claims. The rules of access to these procedures are available at the headquarters or on the websites of district (municipal) consumer ombudsmen, social organizations whose statutory tasks include consumer protection, Voivodeship Inspectorates of Trade Inspection, and the following Internet addresses of the Office of Competition and Consumer Protection:
  5. The Seller reserves the right to amend these Regulations for important reasons, i.e., changes in the law, changes in methods of payment and delivery, preventing abuses, and technical changes in the Store's operation. The Seller shall inform the Buyer about each change in the Regulations by posting a relevant message on the Store's Website at least 7 days before the change enters into force.
  6. In matters not covered by these Regulations, the provisions of generally applicable Polish law shall apply, in particular the Civil Code, the Act on the provision of electronic services, the Act on consumer rights, and the Act on personal data protection.
  7. The Regulations enter into force on 26 May 2019.
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